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Become a Patron

welovejam is a small business operating in San Francisco. As the sole owner and full-time employee, I have intentionally kept the business small to focus on innovating new products, direct customer engagement and maintaining maximum quality. I never had an interest in growing the business to be a large supplier of food. This would compromise quality, require many more employees (and drama), and have a negative impact on the planet. It also would require investors who would want partial ownership of the company and cloud my vision for how to run the business. Too many cooks in the kitchen...

After 17 years of running the business and seeing costs to maintin a small operation increase, I have decided to take on patrons who would help finance operating costs, no different than the donations to Wikipedia or The Guardian newspaper. I also was surprised to learn that about 40 percent of Russell 2000 Index companies operate at a deficit, as I have since the beginning, no different than our goverment. It is a reality that some companies (and governments) spend more than they can make - even publicly traded companies. Since I have no interest in expanding the footprint of welovejam beyond the natural organic growth we experience year after year, another revenue stream is required. At first I thought of listing welovejam as a penny stock on the OTC exchange, but that is very complicated and has its own associated costs. A better alternative is to take donations or subscriptions from customers who would like to see welovejam continue to innovate and deliver quality, delicious products.

With that said, here you can do a one time donation, or sign up to donate as a subscription any amount you want either monthly or yearly for as long as you want. Where will the money go? Basically, it will pay rent on the factory and help purchase the supplies, such as glass, lids, and packaging materials that take up a large chunk of my monthly expenses.

It will also help finance a small coffee roasting operation I plan to build and run since this was an idea I was mulling years before I started welovejam, and has been in the back of my mind ever since. As an avid coffee enthusiast, I know what I will offer will be outstanding. This will be small batch roasts offered throughout the year. Coffee and jam are natural partners, and I believe this is a good brand extension.

All patrons, no matter how small will receive a dedicated newsletter that will be about new products in development and the opportunity to sample them, include interesting tidbits on food/life and generally have private access to the inside world of welovejam and in be a part of my world in a meaningful way. For customers who wish to make a larger donation, you can contact me directly at contact@welovejam.com

Eric Haeberli