Another baking creation put on hold until we get the bakery portion of our facility up and running.
During the winter holidays in Switzerland there are a number of traditional cookies made. Most are composed of ground nuts and honey as a base. Over the years we have made limited amounts for some customers of four kinds:
Zimmetsterne - mostly ground almonds, honey and good dose of cinnamon. Star shaped with white icing.
Basler leckerli - almonds, candied fruit and lots of honey. A chewy rectangular bar the consistency of panforte.
Basler brunsli - ground almonds, chocolate and spices.
Chräbeli - a lightly baked anise and lemon rind flour-based cookie. It is crunchy like biscotti in texture and great with coffee or tea.
We candy all our own organic citrus, use honey from local bee keepers and locally grown organic nuts, along with organic spices. A Swiss liquor of distilled cherries, kirsch, is also a common ingredient, but there is never any alcohol taste.
Most Americans have never had cookies like these and it is a shame since they are rather healthy and taste amazing. The basler leckerli are like panforte, and can last years. In fact they get better with age!